Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thing 18: Social Networks

The problem with social networking & children is the failure of adults to monitor their activity. Parents setting up facebook accounts for their younger children & then just turning them loose with it. Kids often don't recognize the danger of putting personal information out there, or think their comments, pictures, etc. are limited to "friends" when in reality they may go way beyond that. Unfortunately, most children, especially adolescents, are'nt going to be content to go on the "kid friendly" sites when they have friends with facebook accts., etc.
Linkedin seemed like a good site to maintain a list of business contacts. Again, you would want to be careful what info you're putting out there & for whom. Seemed way too time consuming.
Webjunction could be an interesting site. Had same problem boysenberry did.It's a busy site that would require more time to investigate, maybe more time than I would be willing to devote to it.

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