Friday, February 25, 2011

Thing 18

1) I have explored the sites.
2) I would not recommend social networks for children. I feel children should interact in person with each other. They should go outside and enjoy the fresh air. They should get exercise. They should play and just be kids. There will be plenty of time for social networks when they are older.
Togetherville's was a site for children under the age of 10. There is a code of conduct. This site encourages parent-child interaction. What's What is a site for children ages 8 to 14. Scuttle Pad is a site for children ages 6 to 11. The site teaches children how to use a social media site. There are pre-set communication options. Giant Hello is a site for older children. They can't make friends with people they don't know.
3) The pro's of Linkedin are: The site is available in English, French, German, Indian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Individuals can see what jobs are available in the business would. Businesses can find employees. Questions are free. The con's of Linkedin are: The site has restricted access from some countries; Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. I would recommend the Linkedin site to patrons who were job hunting.
4) There was some interesting information on Webjunction relating to services provided by other libraries. This site is easy to navigate. I found information that I could use for future program ideas.

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