Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thing 18

Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I'm extremely suspicious of any site that asks for a kids photo, credit card number (What's what, giantHello), or Social Security Number (giantHello). There's something creepy about kids social networking in front of a computer for hours at a time. They need to be out in the light of day seeking real friends and not electronic ones. If I had children, I wouldn't allow them to visit any social networking site, no matter how secure they're said to be. That's my personal opinion on them.
Linkedin may be useful to some library patrons.
Although WedJunction could be useful for library professionals, the very first thing I tried to do didn't work correctly. I clicked on "Dealing with Angry Patrons" and was sent to Technical Services instead of Courses. I finally found it, but obviously there are some problems there.

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